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Assessment in iCreate

Our students love the iCreate program. iCreate gives students the opportunity to follow their passions, as well as learn some vital life skills, which they will be able to transfer into their future pathways and eventually, the workforce. Students undertake a range of short and long term projects as part of their iCreate program and these projects are student-driven, meaning that students create their own project and motivate themselves to ensure they meet the desired objectives over the project duration.


In addition to the creative freedom and real-world learning afforded to students as they undertake their respective iCreate programs, the program is closely mapped and aligned to the Victorian Curriculum General Capabilities. In 2019, students will undertake termly assessments where they will be assessed against the four areas of the capabilities:


  • Critical and Creative Thinking

  • Ethical Capability

  • Intellectual Capability

  • Personal and Social capability



What do the Capabilities mean?


The four capabilities can be described as:


Critical and Creative Thinking


Responding effectively to environmental, social and economic challenges requires young people to be creative, innovative, enterprising and adaptable, with the motivation, confidence and skills to use critical and creative thinking purposefully. Explicit attention to and application of thinking skills enables students to develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the processes they can employ whenever they encounter both the familiar and unfamiliar, to break ineffective habits and build on successful ones, building a capacity to manage their thinking.


Ethical Capability


The Ethical Capability curriculum explores what it means for both an individual and society to live well. Students examine what we ought to do, how we ought to live, what kind of society we should have and what kind of person one should be. These questions concern individuals alone and relationships between people, and between people and environmental, social and economic systems. They involve contested and complex concepts.


Intercultural Capability


Intercultural interactions have become a part of everyday life in our increasingly multicultural and globalised world. Developing intercultural knowledge, skills and understandings is an essential part of living with others in the diverse world of the twenty-first century. The Intercultural capability curriculum assists young people to become responsible local and global citizens, equipped for living and working together in an interconnected world.


Personal and Social Capability​


The Personal and Social Capability is essential in enabling students to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. The capability involves students learning to recognise and regulate emotions, develop empathy for others and understand relationships, establish and build a framework for positive relationships, work effectively in teams and develop leadership skills, and handle challenging situations constructively.


To learn more about Victorian Curriculum Capabilities, click here.

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