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Primary School Partnerships

iCreate Discovery Day

An integral part of the iCreate program is giving our students the opportunity to develop vital communication and leadership skills in a real world context. We facilitate this through providing our students with the opportunity to work with Primary School students from our feeder schools. iCreate is a program we are extremely proud of at Westall and most of our students will describe Wednesday is their best day of the week. It is this infectious enthusiasm which we want to share with local Primary School students to build the reputation of the College in the local community, whilst providing a rich learning experience for students in iCreate.


Each iCreate class is partnered with a Primary School and as part of the iCreate program, each class will plan and deliver a workshop or event with their designated Primary School each semester. The 2019 partnerships are as follows:


  • Code# - Clayton North Primary School

  • Singing/Dance/Drama – St Peters Primary School

  • Building and Construction – Spring Parks Primary School

  • Visual Arts/Media – Clayton South Primary School

  • Outdoor Ed – Springvale Rise Primary School

  • Aviation – Huntingdale Primary School

  • STEM – St Peters Primary School

  • Kidpreneur – Heatherhill Primary School

  • Martial Arts/Taekwondo – Westall Primary School

  • Master the Westall Café – Clarinda Primary School

  • Sports – Any interested Primary Schools


Although each iCreate program is partnered with a particular school, this does not limit the number of schools that an iCreate class can work with as we encourage of iCreate teachers to work with a range of schools.


To arrange a workshop or similar event with an iCreate program, please email to be referred to the relevant teacher.




In 2018, the College hosted some of our feeder schools for an iCreate 'Discovery Day', where Year 6 Primary School students were given the opportunity to select two of the iCreate subjects to undertake workshops in. The day was highly successful as it gave the visiting students a real insight into life at Westall Secondary College.

















We will be running the event again this year on Wednesday 27 March 2019, with over 200 students expected to be taking part. If you would like more ifnormation for this event and to enquire about registering a school other than those listed above, please email


iCreate discovery day 2019.JPG
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